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am 14. March 2024
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Kategorien: International , Studies
Themen: International , summer school

How to univie: summer school

univie: summer schools provide you with the opportunity to study at the University of Vienna for one to four weeks during the summer months and gain credits towards your degree programme. It is a great opportunity to connect with international peers and renowned experts in your field of interest.

About univie: summer schools

univie: summer schools are short programmes (one to four weeks). They are open to international and local students, with a focus on those studying towards a master’s or doctoral degree. You can meet and learn from renowned experts and high-level academics and uncover your potential as a young and active researcher. You can gain between 4 and 18 ECTS credits (depending on the short programme you choose) towards your degree programme. You will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance and receive a Transcript of Records.

3 Students are walking and talking, behind them is a sign pointing them to a summer school

Locations and Social Programme

For most univie: summer schools the location plays an important part in their programme. In some short programmes the city or location itself is the research subject. Others offer a stimulating social programme where you can explore the region. Most programmes are held in Vienna, but others take place in other locations in Austria or abroad. Locations of our univie: summer schools include Berlin, Belgrade, Athens and the picturesque Lake Wolfgang in one of Austria’s most beautiful mountain areas.


How accommodation is organised for participants varies and depends on the programme. The organisers of your univie: summer school will provide you with more detailed information and support.

Requirements for participation and how to apply

If you wish to attend an univie: summer school, you can apply directly to the organisers of the individual school. Detailed information on the prerequisites and application procedure can be found on the website of the respective univie: summer school.

5 Students walking and talking to each other

Fees and scholarships

Fees depend on the chosen programme and vary between 150 and 490 Euros per week (tuition only). For some schools there are additional costs for accommodation and meals. Most univie: summer schools offer scholarships for participants in the form of tuition waivers. You can apply for the scholarship when you submit your application for the univie: summer school.

English as the language of instruction

univie: summer schools are usually delivered in English. Depending on the course programme, German and other additional languages may also be taught. For requirements to submit language certificates for admission is given on the website of the individual school.

Bilateral Language Schools (“Sommerkollegs”)

“Sommerkollegs” are a special variant of summer schools: They are bilateral language schools that provide lessons in the language of the partner country for Austrian students and, in parallel, German lessons for students of the partner country. The focus is on a mutual language exchange (tandem approach): the students mutually assist one another in learning the language. Sommerkollegs are only open to students of Austrian universities and students from the country of the respective tandem language.

The bilateral language schools are mainly offered in Central and Eastern European languages as well as Romance languages. The costs are largely covered by scholarships for all participants.


Check out this year’s univie: summer schools

Enjoy excellent academic programmes in various fields of study! Detailed information about each school can be found directly at their websites.

Humanities and Social Sciences

Natural Sciences

Bilateral Language Tandems

There is also the chance to participate in  courses with co-students from nine different universities across Europe:

Circle U. Summer Schools 2024 – check their programme out now!


2024 dates

  • Summer sessions: July – September 2024
  • First applications open in January 2024

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