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The new registration system von Marlene Brugger
am 10. September 2018
ungefähr 3 Minuten
Kategorien: Studies
Themen: admission , Employees , registration system , uspace

The new registration system

As of now, there are changes in the registration system for examinations and courses. Marlene Brugger from Teaching Affairs and Student Services explains everything you need to know in a blog post.

The old registration system for courses and examinations clears its way for a new system…

The registration system for courses and examinations on u:space is outdated and is now being remastered completely. New features will be introduced continuously during the upcoming semesters. You can explore the first new features as of the winter semester 2018/19.

Give it some colour!

  • General facts: The registration system will become more colourful. The new features aim at making the registration system more user-friendly. Therefore, we added some colour and self-explanatory icons. Most importantly, however, we cooperated with students to make the registration system more user-friendly.
  • More precisely: As of now you can find an overview of all courses and examinations that you are registered for in u:space under Studies -> Registration overview. An orientation system of colours and icons shows you the status of your registration at a glance: from Green + tick = All good!  to Red + warning triangle = Uh-oh, you have something to do! There are also some additional status values, such as deregistered and on the waiting list.

Registration for all courses and examinations is possible via the course directory u:find. You can either use the record of examinations in u:space to go to a course of your choice in u:find, or search directly via u:find. Click on “Register/Deregister for this course”.

Screenshot Registration overview
Screenshot Registration overview

Continuous or non-continuous assessment?

After you have selected the relevant course in u:find you will be directed automatically to the registration system in u:space. It now depends on whether you want to register for a course with continuous assessment or for a course with non-continuous assessment. The binding registration for courses with continuous assessment is possible via the old registration system. The relevant registration process has not changed.

If you would like to register for courses with non-continuous assessment, you will already be redirected to the new registration system. You can find detailed instructions for the registration for courses with non-continuous assessment in u:space.

Courses with continuous assessment (pi LV) are, for example, seminars or practical courses. They require students to complete oral or written partial achievements. Attendance at these courses is compulsory.

Courses with non-continuous assessment (npi LV) are, for example, lectures. Attendance at courses with non-continuous assessment is not compulsory and students usually have to complete an examination at the end of the course.


Studierende am Campus
Students at the Campus

Oops! Binding registration or registration?

Definition of terms:

  • Binding registration: courses with continuous assessment (seminars, practical courses, etc.) and examinations
  • Registration: courses with non-continuous assessment (lectures, etc.)

We differentiate between these two terms because the registration for seminars, practical courses, etc. is connected to an attendance requirement. In lectures and other courses with non-continuous assessment, on the other hand, you do not have to be present despite having registered. Please note that you also have to register (binding) for examinations of courses with non-continuous assessment.

Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines

Do not forget: There are deadlines for the registration for courses and examinations. You can only register during the registration period. For most degree programmes, the registration period for the winter semester 2018/19 starts on 3 September 2018.

Helpful links:

Marlene Brugger

Marlene studied Slavonic studies at the University of Vienna. Since 2014, she is responsible for administrating online portals of the University of Vienna and for the development of u:space, the central access point for all services related to the organization of degree programmes and teaching.
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