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Your Feedback Improves Courses – Course Evaluation von Lukas Mitterauer,
am 22. June 2023
ungefähr 2 Minuten
Kategorien: Studies
Themen: Evaluation , Feedback , teaching

Your Feedback Improves Courses – Course Evaluation

You know the drill: At the end of the semester numerous e-mails reach your inbox asking you to evaluate a course. But why should you do a course evaluation? And what exactly is happening with your feedback?

It is your turn: Shape teaching of the future together with us by giving your feedback.

What is happening during a course evaluation?

Picture of 2 students with a teacher
Fun fact: The first digital evaluation took place in 2002 in medicine, which belonged to the University of Vienna back then. (c) Arnold Poeschl

In every degree programme, the courses must be evaluated by students at least every three semesters. However, teachers can also voluntarily initiate a course evaluation beyond this requirement. This is how it works:

  • At the end of the semester, you receive an e-mail.
  • This e-mail contains a link to an online questionnaire.
  • You should answer the questions during the relevant course unit.
  • All your answers are completely anonymous. It is not possible to identify individual students. Therefore, please be honest when filling in the questionnaire and do not hesitate to give constructive feedback.Foto von 2 Studierenden mit einer Lehrperson

You can verbalise detailed feedback in your own words in the free text comment fields in the questionnaire. The more concrete your feedback, the better teachers can understand what works well and where there is room for improvement.

After this process, teachers receive an evaluation report including statistical results and the free text comments.

Your feedback counts!

Picture of students in a classroom
Fun fact: The first digital evaluation took place in 2002 in medicine, which belonged to the University of Vienna back then. (c)
  • Your feedback is used to improve courses.
  • The conclusions and measures should also be discussed with the students. This might take place on Moodle or in person during the next course unit.
  • In the following semester, teachers should inform the students which measures have been implemented, based on the feedback from the previous semester.

Also the directors of studies (SPL) receive the evaluation results. If students evaluate a course rather negatively, the directors of studies have a conversation with the teachers during which the reasons for the evaluation results are identified and measures for improvement are elaborated.

Your feedback as part of the course evaluation thus makes a significant contribution to improving teaching at the University of Vienna.

You would like to know more? On this website, you can find even more information. Also this YouTube video explains the course evaluation clearly.

Lukas Mitterauer

Lukas Mitterauer is deputy head of the Unit for Quality Assurance and is responsible for course evaluations.

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