Alle Beiträge
am 17. February 2025

Easing into the start of the semester

“The time of your life begins now!” – but even the best of times must be well organised. Here you find a collection of tips and hints that will make the next semester at the University of Vienna an unforgettable and easy one.

Organising the start of the semester

Planning your semester is essential for a successful semester

  • Overview of the most important dates and deadlines in the academic year.
  • How do I plan my semester? Organise your semester step by step. To learn, how to use the semester planner correctly, have a look at this article.
  • u:space is the University’s student organisation tool and it helps you organise and plan your studies. This blog post shows you how to make the most out of u:space. [DE only]
  • How to avoid planning errors and procrastination: Our Blog helps you to stick to your semester plan.

Every semester anew: Pay your tuition/Students’ Union fee

Students in the hallways of the University of Vienna studying and readingNew at the University of Vienna?

  • Have you been properly admitted to the University? Information about the admission procedure.
  • The Welcome Guide offers an overview of the most important topics and services for starting your studies.
  • The MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) provides suggestions, answers and tips for planning your studies successfully from the very beginning. [DE only]
  • Do you want to begin your studies in the summer semester? You can find out if, and *spoiler alert* how on the #univie Blog.


You can find more important information for your first semester at the University of Vienna on our YouTube channel! [EN subtitles available]

Piquing your curiosity and material for your semester

Are lectures and seminars at your faculty not enough? Are you also genuinely curious? Here you certainly find what you were looking for:

  • Each semester the University of Vienna poses its academics a question that is of particular relevance for today’s society. As 2025 is the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, we will lay special focus on Planck, Heisenberg, Zeilinger & Co. Find out more about it here, join the discussion!
  • It may be hard to choose from the around 10,000 courses that you can find in the course directory of the University of Vienna. We also offer exciting lectures in the current summer semester, which analyse topics from very different perspectives. An overview of interesting current lecture series is available here. [DE only]
  • From gamification, the moral actions of robots to the philosophical view of digital change or the effects of climate change on the environment and society? In several digital sessions, the MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) of the University of Vienna allow you to acquire basic skills in burning issues of our day. Register and become a pro! [DE only]
  • In our research magazine Rudolphina, we present first-hand knowledge: You can look over the shoulders of the researchers from the University of Vienna, either in the laboratory or in a think tank.
  • Discover helpful tips for your studies, exciting contributions from other students and much more on the #univie Blog.
  • A semester abroad, a break in a distant country, or an international career all have one thing in common: you should have language skills! At the Language Center of the University of Vienna, you can learn more than 30 languages and earn ECTS credits.
    Sign up for the Language Center’s newsletter by march 3rd, and with a bit of luck, you might win participation in a language course!


Services, you should know about

University life is more than just sitting in a lecture hall. The best way to get ready for the new semester:

(EN subtitles available)

Students sitting at the Campus of the University of Vienna

Discover what lies beyond the lecture halls

  • Studying at the University of Vienna means being part of a large and diverse community formed by about 90,000 students. The #univie communities offer sport, music, theatre, literature and much more.
  • The University Sport Institute (USI) offers a wide range of courses if you wish to find a balance after racking your brain. Registration for the summer semester 2025 starts on February 19, 2025.
  • Guided tours of the Main Building are held in German and English and take place throughout the year. Dates and up-to-date information can be found here. You may also explore your new place of study on your own with our app. Information about virtual tours can be found here.

Finally planning your stay abroad this semester?

  • Anyone who intends to study one semester or two semesters abroad as part of their degree programme will find the information they need at the University of Vienna’s International Office. Thex offer funding e.g. for a semester at a partner university, research work and internships abroad.
  • Here you can check which Erasmus+ study places are available in your field of study and which partner universities outside of Europe offer exchange opportunities.
  • If a whole semester is too long for you, you will feel more at ease at the summer/winter schools: Broaden your knowledge and meet new people from all over the world in various short programs in different disciplines
  • Even more opportunities arise from the University of Vienna’s membership in the European higher education alliance Circle U. Here you can find exciting programs to gain international experience at Circle U. partner universities.

Or are you already thinking about the (next) step in your career?Two people sitting oppsite each other talking, staging a coaching session

  • Uniport – Career Service of the University of Vienna offers everything you need to start your career. Find your dream job at the job exchange and career events, learn application skills in workshops, webinars and consultations and get tips and tricks from the website. [DE only]


Studying and reconciling all your other duties?

Are you planning on graduating this semester? Successes should be celebrated. Find information about your graduation ceremony at your Alma Mater.

Students walking through the University of Vienna

Graduation in sight? We are looking forward to staying in touch with you! Connect with us on LinkedIn or subscribe to our monthly Alumni Newsletter and receive up-to-date information about events and offers for graduates. Stay connected!

Your contact points

Now nothing can stand in your way towards a successful semester.


Examinations: What rights do students have?

Exams are part of university life. However, they do not always go according to plan. To explore your options if there was a disruption during the exam, you suddenly fell ill or a fail grade took you by surprise, uni:view has talked to the Studienpräses and a legal expert.   Usually, the milk has already … Continued

Copied and caught: This is how plagiarism checks work

What is plagiarism and how does the University of Vienna check if students copied the work of others in their final thesis? We asked Peter Lieberzeit all these questions: In his role as Studienpräses, he is the first contact point when it comes to the report and vetting of a suspicion of plagiarism.   “Plagiarism … Continued

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