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Preparing for written digital exams am 24. April 2021
ungefähr 3 Minuten
Kategorien: Studies
Themen: digital exams , Digitales Studieren , remote studying

Preparing for written digital exams

Written digital exams take place in your private homes. Therefore, it is up to you to set up your exam room. This can create problems, but it also gives you opportunities to shape the exam according to your needs. The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) has compiled tips to support you in preparing for your written digital exams.

Familiarise yourself with the requirements

  • Obtain information about how your written exam will be held in due time since this will influence the further steps when preparing for the exam: In which format is the exam held? Which technical skills are necessary (e.g. PDF creation, uploading files to platforms)? Which time frame is scheduled for the exam?
  • Check whether you are allowed to use aids and learning materials during the exam. You can find further information on u:find. Note that prior to the exam you will probably have to declare that you are taking the exam independently and without the use of unauthorised aids. For reasons of verification, teachers can ask you questions about the exam topics orally within the assessment period of 4 weeks.

Get ready for the exam situation

  • Even if it might not be easy to find a suitable spot between the bed and a pile of laundry: Consider what might be the best place in your home to take the exam.
  • Keep ready the information about what to do if you experience technical problems during the exam, and who to contact in this case.
  • Remind yourself of tried and tested coping strategies when you feel upset or anxious. For example, calmly breathe in and especially out, take a sip of water, consciously feel the floor or the seat of your chair, and move to the next question if you are having a mental block.

Get everything ready

  • Ensure that you can take your exam in an environment free from interruptions. This applies to noise as well as any other distractions. If you have roommates, let them know about your exam ahead of time and ask them not to disturb you.
  • Arrange any permitted materials in your workspace.
  • Set the clock in order to keep an eye on the remaining time and to allow for enough time for final tasks such as a possibly necessary conversion to PDF or upload to Moodle.
  • Take care of your basic needs during the exam: Keep a glass of water, possibly snacks within reach. Ensure good indoor air quality.
  • Log in to the conferencing tool in due time before the exam is scheduled to start. This may take a while.

Tips on how to deal with examination anxiety can be found on the website of the Psychological Counseling Centers.

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