How to cope with exam anxiety?

Before an exam, worries and anxieties can become a burden. They become a problem when they lead to procrastination, avoidance behaviour or even mental blocks during the exam. The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) has compiled tips to help you deal with exam anxiety. Exam = exceptional situation An exam is an assessment situation … Continued

Exam failure – learning from experience

Failing an exam is an unpleasant thing. Suddenly, you find yourself in a situation in which you wonder: Why did I fail the exam? Did I study ineffectively? How can I motivate myself again? What can I do to pass the exam next time? With this article, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) wants to support … Continued

Overcoming a lack of motivation

As motivation is an essential prerequisite when preparing for exams or when writing academic theses, you can find some tips and tricks that help you increase your motivation.

Preparing properly for exams

Proper preparation can support you in successfully managing your exams. This blog contribution offers general tips for preparing for an exam and studying, as well as information about different learning strategies and reading techniques.

Preparing for an oral exam

An oral exam is coming up and you are not sure how you can best prepare for it in addition to studying? Here you can get tips to help you succeed in your oral exam!

12 Artikel zum Thema
self-management and time management
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