Preparing for an oral exam

An oral exam is coming up and you are not sure how you can best prepare for it in addition to studying? Here you can get tips to help you succeed in your oral exam!

Overcoming writer’s block

Viktoria was facing difficulties with starting her assignments in time until she joined a programme for academic writing offered by the CTL. In this blog post, she will tell you why she recommends that you give it a try as well.

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Preparing for an oral exam

An oral exam is coming up and you are not sure how you can best prepare for it in addition to studying? Here you can get tips to help you succeed in your oral exam!

Overcoming writer’s block

Viktoria was facing difficulties with starting her assignments in time until she joined a programme for academic writing offered by the CTL. In this blog post, she will tell you why she recommends that you give it a try as well.

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