Overcoming writer’s block

Viktoria was facing difficulties with starting her assignments in time until she joined a programme for academic writing offered by the CTL. In this blog post, she will tell you why she recommends that you give it a try as well.

The new registration system

As of now, there are changes in the registration system for examinations and courses. Marlene Brugger from Teaching Affairs and Student Services explains everything you need to know in a blog post. The old registration system for courses and examinations clears its way for a new system… The registration system for courses and examinations on … Continued

Master’s programme after Bachelor: Why continue the relationship?

A master’s programme – yes? No? And, if yes: Which one? This decision shapes your life – like a partner in a relationship does. #univie-staff Barbara Hamp describes which master’s programme is comparable to which model of living together and, therefore, makes it easier to arrive at a (relationship) decision. If we compare a degree … Continued

All you need to know about the new doctoral programme

Why is the conversion of the doctoral programme necessary? Following an amendment to the Universitäts-Organisationsgesetz (UG) in 2017, doctoral programmes and PhD programmes have become equivalent. Therefore, the University of Vienna implements a new admission procedure, which requires qualitative admission criteria. Why has the University of Vienna introduced additional requirements for admission to doctoral programmes? … Continued

42 Artikel in der Kategorie

Overcoming writer’s block

Viktoria was facing difficulties with starting her assignments in time until she joined a programme for academic writing offered by the CTL. In this blog post, she will tell you why she recommends that you give it a try as well.

The new registration system

As of now, there are changes in the registration system for examinations and courses. Marlene Brugger from Teaching Affairs and Student Services explains everything you need to know in a blog post. The old registration system for courses and examinations clears its way for a new system… The registration system for courses and examinations on … Continued

Master’s programme after Bachelor: Why continue the relationship?

A master’s programme – yes? No? And, if yes: Which one? This decision shapes your life – like a partner in a relationship does. #univie-staff Barbara Hamp describes which master’s programme is comparable to which model of living together and, therefore, makes it easier to arrive at a (relationship) decision. If we compare a degree … Continued

All you need to know about the new doctoral programme

Why is the conversion of the doctoral programme necessary? Following an amendment to the Universitäts-Organisationsgesetz (UG) in 2017, doctoral programmes and PhD programmes have become equivalent. Therefore, the University of Vienna implements a new admission procedure, which requires qualitative admission criteria. Why has the University of Vienna introduced additional requirements for admission to doctoral programmes? … Continued

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