The univie Blog


“I have learned a lot for life”

“Playing in the orchestra of the University of Vienna has accompanied me throughout my entire studies – from my first lecture in the bachelor’s programme in Mathematics to the master’s thesis I am currently working on. The rehearsals provide an opportunity to find balance to studying and I have gotten around quite a bit with … Continued

“I am learning something new every day”

“My name is Madeline Kalista and I come from Chicago, Illinois. I previously attended the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign and obtained my bachelor’s and master’s in Accounting there. Upon graduating I began working in the public accounting sector for a firm in Chicago. After spending a little over a year there, I decided I … Continued

Human of #univie Verena: I love Astronomy

“My enthusiasm for astronomy started to develop when I was still a child. I would stare at the night sky, a rotating star chart in my hand and watch the moon through a small telescope. This fascination has accompanied me throughout my childhood. I knew early on that I wanted to study Astronomy and started … Continued

Chemistry on Instagram

“I study chemistry. I get a wide range of reactions when I say that: The expression on the other’s face is usually a mix of respect and pity. It may also send a cold shiver down the other’s spine who is reminded of their chemistry classes at school. However, some also express their admiration for … Continued

Between Cultural and Social Anthropology and Law

“I have recently found my old student ID card in a moving box. ‘Unbelievable’, I thought as I looked at the picture. A young version of myself with long hair, a wild beard and piercings calmly smiled at me. Nearly ten winter and summer semesters have passed since then. It really is ‘unbelievable’ that I … Continued

Making a fast-growing progress

“My name is Alejandro de León. I was born and raised in Guatemala, a small but beautiful country in Latin America. I had the privilege to graduate from the Austrian-Guatemalan School, hence it seemed suitable to adventure myself in the viennese student life experience. And what better way to obtain an overwhelmingly authentic university feeling … Continued

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