Easing into the start of the semester

“The time of your life begins now!” – but even the best of times must be well organised. Here you find a collection of tips and hints that will make the next semester at the University of Vienna an unforgettable and easy one. Organising the start of the semester Planning your semester is essential for … Continued

Students should be aware of these IT services

The ZID (Zentraler Informatikdienst) is responsible for IT at the University of Vienna and supports students with a wide range of IT services. Sara and Doris work there and in this blog post they will introduce you to the most important services for your studies. E-learning Moodle is the central platform for e-learning at the … Continued

Your timetable with the new semester planner

Once again, unsure which courses to attend this semester? Missed another clash of dates? With the new and improved semester planner in u:space, this is no longer an issue! The semester planner now offers a much clearer, accessible design and is mobile-friendly as well. Here, we explain the key features so you can kick off … Continued

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Tipps und Tricks
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