The univie Blog


“My very personal power-up”

“The package deal in the last summer semester: two degree programmes, a part-time job and COVID-19. My very personal three-plus-one deal. As for many other students, this meant spending a lot of time in front of a computer screen. From 14th to 15th March, suddenly everything was ‘remote’. Fine word, unpleasant situation. Especially in this … Continued

“The corner-stones of secure communication and better computers”

“In my degree programme in Physics, I deal with quanta and quantum information. In this area, the University of Vienna focuses on photons, the fundamental light particles. Light particles can have different energies that, in certain areas, correspond to the colours that we see. However, light particles cannot only have different energies but can also … Continued

“Assess or – which is even better – control the reaction”

“Any time I am answering the question ‘What are you studying?’, my counterpart seems to be confused: ‘Chemistry??’ Then, I smilingly try to explain that studying Chemistry, and thereby researching the invisible and impalpable, can be indeed very interesting and exciting. My name is Magdalena, and I am from Gevgelija, Macedonia. After I graduated from … Continued

“My playing field for innovation and digitalisation”

“Being enrolled on two degree programmes has taught me to approach problems from an interdisciplinary perspective, to use unconventional methods and to think outside the box. I decided to study Physics because I was already fascinated by the world of physics when I was still at school. On the other hand, I wanted to enjoy … Continued

Taking a case of space law to a fictitious court

“Studying Law at the University of Vienna offered me many opportunities to immerse in different areas. Ultimately, almost everything has a legal aspect. Therefore, I have grasped the chance of specialising in my studies and completed, among others, advanced courses in criminology, legal gender studies, legal English and law of international relationships. Last summer I … Continued

What stories do historical medals tell us?

“Numismatics? And what is that? – This is the reaction I get most of the time when somebody asks me what I am interested in and what I want to specialise in during my master’s studies. Simply put, numismatics is the study of the history of coins and money. Anyone who thinks of ‘grandfather’s old … Continued

“Counting on your fellow students’ support”

“Before I started the Gender Studies master’s programme, I studied media cultural studies. I was asked the question what I exactly do in my studies so many times that it seems like umpteen times. If I would receive one euro every time I hear this question, I must not work anymore beside my studies. But … Continued

“Positive developments for the university of the future”

“Giving tutorials from home wearing my pyjamas and slippers is something I could have hardly imagined a few months ago. When I was asked, two years ago, if I would like to work as tutor for an introductory course (STEOP), my university life has turned by 180 degrees. Having graduated from an academic secondary school … Continued

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