Alle Beiträge
am 10. Oktober 2019
ungefähr 1 Minute
Kategorien: Humans of University of Vienna , International

Making a fast-growing progress

„My name is Alejandro de León. I was born and raised in Guatemala, a small but beautiful country in Latin America. I had the privilege to graduate from the Austrian-Guatemalan School, hence it seemed suitable to adventure myself in the viennese student life experience. And what better way to obtain an overwhelmingly authentic university feeling than from one of the oldest and most laureate academic institutions in Europe?

Although the semester start went rather bumpy than expected (i.e. dealing with course planning, a foreign language, a different culture and not to mention the wicked headache caused by the student visa application process), these very same obstacles seemed to have no significant impact on the fast-growing progress I was making as a person, mostly in terms of maturity, resilience, and determination. Moreover, I was very grateful for the easy-going behavior shown by both colleagues and teachers towards my multicultural background, which greatly relieved the learn burden. Thus I was able to enjoy and thrive the very essence of our alma mater.

Today I look back at those academic years holding a masters degree as the result of the finalization of a high-quality study program, whose standards wouldn’t have been possible to achieve back home, and can´t help but to remain confident in the bright future awaiting me in my beloved city of Vienna.“ – Alejandro de León

Alejandro studied International Business Administration at the University of Vienna.

If you are interested in this degree, then please mind the registration deadline for the admission process.

Human of #univie Malena: Step out of your comfort zone!

“I joined the team when I supported Prof. Manuela Schmidt and her team as a tutor. In this role, I taught students how to pipette, and together, we analyzed DNA for CYP2D6 polymorphisms. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Prof. Schmidt; her precise work style and ethics aligned perfectly with my values. This eventually led me … Continued

Human of univie Jakob: KI im Einsatz

„In meinem Studium „Computational Science“ liegt mein Forschungsschwerpunkt hauptsächlich in der Signalverarbeitung im Kontext von Brain-Computer-Interfaces. Das ist eine Möglichkeit, das Gehirn direkt mit Computern kommunizieren zu lassen, ohne dabei Muskeln zu betätigen. Beim Forschungsthema meiner Masterarbeit ging es hauptsächlich darum, Daten so zu erweitern, dass eine bessere Ausgangssituation für künstliche Intelligenz (KI), in meinem … Continued

Human of #univie Max: Mit KWA aus Wien nach Harvard

„Eigentlich, bin ich nur durch zufällig durch einen Tweet auf die Idee gekommen, einen Forschungsaufenthalt in Harvard zu verbringen. Auf Twitter hat damals Professor Lucas Farnung seine Forschung über RNA Polymerase II geteilt: es ist das Enzym, welches DNA in mRNA umwandelt, sprich ein wichtiges Thema in der Forschung zu mRNA-Vakzinen. Ich habe schon immer … Continued

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