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Human of #univie Weirong Li: Putting concrete concepts into practice am 29. Dezember 2021
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Kategorien: Humans of University of Vienna

Human of #univie Weirong Li: Putting concrete concepts into practice

„I’m studying Communication Science in my coming third year at the University of Vienna. I can say that it was the right decision for me. Not only did I learn important communication theories as well as methods, but I also had the opportunity to put concrete concepts into practice.

Every day I experience how an important and indispensable role communication plays in our world – whether it is through newspapers, television, or advertisements. All of these are mediums that influence people in unimaginable and indescribable ways. We absolutely have to understand such communication mediums – to understand ourselves and also the people around us. The well-known philosopher and communication scientist Paul Watzlawick said: „You can not not communicate“. Everything holds a certain meaning. And it depends on us to decode the intended message.

My studies in journalism and communication at the University of Vienna played a role in setting my direction and focus – as well as outside of university. Right now, I’m running my self-founded social startup called Raw Culture. The goal is to help Third Culture Kids (TCKs), the people who grew up in a country different from their parents, to find a sense of belonging in our society through realizing the potential they have. They often struggle with identity crises as they grew up between different cultures. In addition to my studies, I started working as an intercultural trainer, where I offer speaking and training to corporates. I manage my studies and projects at the same time by aligning points and material I learned at university to my passions.“ – Weirong Li

Weirong Li is studying Communication Science at the University of Vienna.

Human of #univie Malena: Step out of your comfort zone!

“I joined the team when I supported Prof. Manuela Schmidt and her team as a tutor. In this role, I taught students how to pipette, and together, we analyzed DNA for CYP2D6 polymorphisms. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Prof. Schmidt; her precise work style and ethics aligned perfectly with my values. This eventually led me … Continued

Human of univie Jakob: KI im Einsatz

„In meinem Studium „Computational Science“ liegt mein Forschungsschwerpunkt hauptsächlich in der Signalverarbeitung im Kontext von Brain-Computer-Interfaces. Das ist eine Möglichkeit, das Gehirn direkt mit Computern kommunizieren zu lassen, ohne dabei Muskeln zu betätigen. Beim Forschungsthema meiner Masterarbeit ging es hauptsächlich darum, Daten so zu erweitern, dass eine bessere Ausgangssituation für künstliche Intelligenz (KI), in meinem … Continued

Human of #univie Max: Mit KWA aus Wien nach Harvard

„Eigentlich, bin ich nur durch zufällig durch einen Tweet auf die Idee gekommen, einen Forschungsaufenthalt in Harvard zu verbringen. Auf Twitter hat damals Professor Lucas Farnung seine Forschung über RNA Polymerase II geteilt: es ist das Enzym, welches DNA in mRNA umwandelt, sprich ein wichtiges Thema in der Forschung zu mRNA-Vakzinen. Ich habe schon immer … Continued

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