The univie Blog


Get to know the G:URL*s Coding Club

Do you have an interest in coding or improving your skills? The G:URL*s Coding Club is a thriving, fun, fantastic community that enables its members to do just this! Find out more about the club and how you can become a member below. Who are the G:URL*s Coding Club? We are a FLINTA* English speaking … Continued

How to univie: summer school

univie: summer schools provide you with the opportunity to study at the University of Vienna for one to four weeks during the summer months and gain credits towards your degree programme. It is a great opportunity to connect with international peers and renowned experts in your field of interest. About univie: summer schools univie: summer … Continued

Students of the University of Vienna dive into the Coral Reef

In the early morning of October 14, 2023, 13 biology students from both Bachelor’s and Master’s programs, together with Univ.-Prof. Martin Zuschin, Dr. Jürgen Herler and Angelina Ivkić, MSc from the University of Vienna, set off for Marsa Alam, Egypt. Their destination: the reef of Mangrove Bay. Before the trip began, even though the students … Continued

Your favourite places at the University of Vienna

We asked you and you responded: Here are your favourite places at the University of Vienna. On Instagram, we asked you to reveal your top locations at the University of Vienna. Be it for studying, chilling, meeting friends or drawing inspiration – here, you can find places that you should definitely visit for these purposes. Where … Continued

Good enough? Coping with insecurities when studying

University requires a different kind of learning than school and this change can be very challenging. While at school the subject matter was usually still manageable and clearly defined, at university this task is often more difficult. This article will help you better understand and manage some of these initial uncertainties.

Getting to know myself as a learner

Are you dissatisfied with your organisation when studying, doubt your learning strategies and regularly postpone preparing for exams? The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) supports you with improving your learning process and mobilising available resources for this purpose.

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