The univie Blog


Human of #univie Tomas: When do things go quantum?

“We have all heard of the weirdness of quantum mechanics. Things that appear to be in multiple places simultaneously, others that are correlated over long distances, properties that manifest only when you measure them and particles behaving like waves… But why do we not see such things in our everyday lives? When do things “go … Continued

Enjoy & create English literature at the Uni-Verse

Inspired by a warm Scottish pub in deep-winter, the Uni-Verse Creative Writing Society at the University of Vienna is a home for authors, crisp-eaters, word-lovers, art enthusiasts, and creative minds from all over the galaxy. Join us (for free!) as a listener or writer at our biweekly meetings. Attend one of our literary events or … Continued

Connecting the Dots: Mapping Common Ground in the First Talking Charts Team Workshop

On September 21st we hosted our first Talking Charts Team Workshop with 8 exciting presentations, brainstorming sessions, and discussions about visual data communication. Talking Charts is a mixed methods WWTF-funded project exploring how charts related to climate change and COVID-19 are created and understood by researchers and public audiences. The core team of Talking Charts … Continued

Human of #univie Anna: A summer (school) to remember!

“I have recently graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Vienna and am currently working as a counsel in a dispute resolution law firm. One of the biggest misconceptions about law students that I often encountered is the assumption that law is taught by learning paragraphs and textbooks by heart. Although it … Continued

COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh – Report by Lukas Brunner

This year’s 27th UN Climate Conference, the Conference of the Parties (COP27), took place from November 6th until the early morning of November 20th in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. I was able to participate in the second week at the invitation of Greiner AG, a leading global supplier of plastic and foam solutions. Expectations for … Continued

Expedition to the Greenland Sea – In Search of Ice

Our second week on our expedition aboard the RV Maria S. Merian brought us to northeastern Greenland into Dove Bay. In order to enter this area, we needed a certified marine mammal observer on board. Luckily, a colleague from the benthic ecology group had this certification. We saw groups of seals at the entrance of … Continued

Expedition to the Greenland Sea – The first days

Within the framework of the international project ECOTIP addressing tipping points in the ecology of the Arctic seas, three members of the working group on microbial oceanography from the University of Vienna were invited to join an expedition investigating major fjord systems in eastern Greenland. The expedition with the German research vessel Maria S. Merian started … Continued

A year of war in Ukraine: Psychological effects and support

Traumatic experiences, such as wars and other disasters, increase the risk of becoming mentally ill. Brigitte Lueger-Schuster, psychotraumatologist at the University of Vienna, shares results from her research and effective exercises for a stable everyday life and support on the website of the University of Vienna. War increases the risk of developing mental disorders, such … Continued

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